Consultants for GST Filings near Me
Consultants for GST Filings near Me
There are a number of different consultants that can assist you with your taxes. They may have specific expertise in a particular area of the tax law, or they may simply be able to point you in the right direction.
Some consultants will take a more proactive approach to your taxes than others. They will often look at your entire financial picture and try to help you figure out where tax problems might lie.
They might also suggest you set up internal mechanisms to verify that the proper amounts are being collected and remitted. This can be a great way to ensure you're not paying too much GST/HST in the future.
Another strategy might be to set up a trust that is fully GST exempt. This will ensure that the assets in the trust won't be subject to gift, estate or GST tax in any future year.
Then you could have your tax adviser add language to a transfer to the trust using a formula approach that says something like "GST Allocation: 5% of the smallest amount of the taxpayer's GST exemption shall be allocated to this transfer." This makes sure the assets in the trust aren't subject to any generation skipping transfer tax in any future year.
A goodtax adviser will be able to help you with these strategies and many others. It's always a good idea to have an experienced and competent tax professional review your financial situation, especially if you plan to make any gifts or bequests in the future.
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